the mastercoach


Elite Internationally Accredited Coaching Certification to help you Uplevel Your Coaching Skills, Increase Your Results & Receive More Repeat Clients

the mastercoach


Elite Internationally Accredited Coaching Certification to help you Uplevel Your Coaching Skills, Increase Your Results & Receive More Repeat Clients

elite coaching development program to become a parradiigm mastercoach™
This is it – this is what you were born for.

To share your talents, your experiences, what you know can truly help people – with the world.

The only thing that’s stopping you, is you.

You’re not sure where to start or even how to get there.

You’re not sure how you can take what you know, and put it in a way so that people can actually change their lives.


You’re already there, you already know what you’re doing – but you’re looking for that extra level of support, of knowledge and of bonafide experience to help YOU get the results you know you can with your work.

whichever reason you’re here, you’re in the right place!

increased skillset = increase results

Coaching is all about one thing,

Helping your clients get the results they know they’re ready for – and it’s your responsibility as the coach to ensure that you’ve done the best you can to help them achieve it.

Sometimes it works, sometimes they’re not ready for it. But almost always, the coach is the conduit for them to realise their full potential.

And that’s how the Parradiigm Mastercoach Academy was born – to support Coaches and help them deliver Top-Tier results to their clients.

This isn’t about business, it’s not about ‘reach and engagement’ this is about one thing,

Helping you get better results for your clients!

The Mastercoach Academy is specifically designed to deliver a standardised method of increasing your client results, while showing potential clients that your service is unmatched, with an Internationally Accredited Certification, and a Globally Recognised…

parradiigm mastercoach

this will be a journey like no other...

Throughout the course content, we’ll be creating the highest standard of service and delivery in your field of work, to help you become a Mastercoach in your specific niche.

But let me be clear – it’s not gonna be an easy ride.

Over the course of 120+ hours, practical application & assessments, you will be undertaking the highest-level of professional coaching development within the online coaching realm.

This is a journey to become the BEST,


And to help you become a PARRADIIGM MASTERCOACH™!

And by the end of it, you’ll have your clients signing your praises about how impactful their work was with you.

They’ll be telling all of their friends about YOU, the one who helped them get to where they wanted to be.

They’ll be referring all of their friends, family, randoms on the street – anyone and everyone who will listen, all because the work you’ve Mastered together was so incredibly life changing.

That’s the true power of being a Parradiigm MASTERCOACH!

"I cannot express with words how powerful It's been. If you are remotely on the fence, know your soul has been calling this in, because in the last year that I've been working with Libby, my entire life has transformed"​Everyone I speak to now has been like 'HOW were you able to make so many changes so fast?' And I know it was because I was in this container with Libby!"
Corrie Taylor

what you receive inside

the mastercoach academy

120+ hour deep dive coaching skills evolution

Comprised of a mixture of Online Content, Workshops, Q & A sessions with Libby, Assessments and Practical Application, THIS program has over 120+ hours of deep dive learning and coaching evolution to help you a Parradiigm Mastercoach™.

5 core modules + 1 Bonus module

Inside the Online Content, you will have access to 6 Modules, each comprising of a range of individual classes to help you learn the intricacies and unlock the power of becoming a PARRADIIGM MASTERCOACH™.

PLUS learn all about how to take your business to the next level with the BONUS ‘Build Your Coaching Brand’ Module!

International Accreditation

Your Certificate with the Parradiigm Mastercoach Academy™ is Internationally Accredited through the Association For Coaching Intl., with an extended option for you to become Internationally Accredited as a coach as well.

set yourself apart

Prove to your clients and potential clients that you have the skills to help them navigate through their personal development journey with the Parradiigm Mastercoach™ seal of approval.

the modules of

the mastercoach academy

Foundations of: The Parradiigm Mastercoach Academy™

In Module One we journey into how this program works, the value of Coaching, while also going deeper into the type of Coach you want to be.

Ethics, Professionalism & Trust in Coaching

In Module Two we explore Ethics, Professionalism and Trust in the coaching realm, and best practices for maintaining high standards.

Transpersonal Coaching

Module Three guides you through the powerful Transpersonal Coaching Approach, to help you connect deeper from a more Conscious Awareness Perspective.

Solution Focused Coaching

Module Four is where we learn the practice of the Solution Focused Coaching Approach with respect to empowering clients on their own self-discovery and personal development journey.

Positive Psychology Coaching

Module Five is all about unlocking best practices when it comes to the Positive Psychology Coaching Approach, and allowing Mastercoaches to tap deeper into this skillset with their clients.

Assessments & Evaluation

Throughout the course of the program you will be required to complete 1 x written assessment, as well as quizes to ensure the objectives of learning are adhered to and maintained.


BUILDING YOUR COACHING BRAND - if you're ready for the next steps beyond the Mastercoach Academy, this module will give you everything you need to start, grow and expand your Coaching Business to magnetise more clients and build a reputable Online and In-Person Coaching Brand.

the details of

the mastercoach academy

This programme provides you with:

Learning Outcomes:

about your mentor

Parradiigm is the brainchild of Libby Robertson, who when observing the world in the state it’s currently in, envisioned a Whole New Way of doing things – from business, to coaching, to life and to wealth. Parradiigm is representative of doing things in A Whole New Way.

Born and raised in Wellington, New Zealand – Libby brings into this coaching container her accumulative knowledge of over 10+ years of Leadership & Professional Development, 6+ Years of Personal Coaching Experience, a Degree in Psychology and a Wealth of Industry Experience in helping you make the most out of your experience as a coach, all while giving you all of the tools you need to upskill your Coaching Toolkit.

Libby’s work and stories have been featured in multiple news publications, and her bestselling book has helped countless people from all around the globe.

She is also the founder of multiple online businesses, dedicated to helping people tap into their purpose, while also learning how to turn this into a viable business.

so what is a

parradiigm mastercoach™


Someone who has successfully navigated their own personal development journey, to a point where they’re able to guide others – with the backing of Industry Leading standards and International Accreditation for their work.

A PARRADIIGM MASTERCOACH is someone who has taken the time and initiative to sharpen their Coaching Skills, and unlock deeper more profound results within their clients.

A PARRADIIGM MASTERCOACH is a Leader in the Personal Development world, and is always considerate of their impact, their approach and themselves.


of course you are!

"It was such an amazing experience. When I joined, I actually didn't know why I was joining, I just knew I had to be there! When I started, my money stuff was not good! I didn't wanna look at my finances, I was still in scarcity and not knowing my value and my worth on how much I could charge - and ALL of that has shifted, I feel REALLY good with my relationship with money now!​ Everyone I speak to now has been like 'HOW were you able to make so many changes so fast?' And I know it was because I was in this container with Libby!"
ankhara rose

meet stew darling


meet anna patch


is it time to become a

PARRADIIGM mastercoach™?

Sign up now to join us on the next LIVE round inside The Mastercoach Academy

parradiigm mastercoach certification

120+ hours of Online & Practical Content

1 x Year Membership

Global Recognition

Lifetime Access

Payment Plans Available

Internationally Accredited Certificate

parradiigm mastercoach diploma

190+ hours of Online & Practical Content

1 x Year Membership

Global Recognition

Lifetime Access

Payment Plans Available

Complementary Onboarding Call with Team

Internationally Accredited Diploma


"From the get-go, Libby could not only see the vision for my Healing Birth work,, she genuinely seemed as excited as I was for the potential the business has. Working with her honestly felt as though I had someone alongside me who was as invested in the success of my business as I was. She was my ultimate cheerleader, celebrating my successes along the way, and a gentle guide who was able to hold me to account in a direct but nurturing way. Thank you Libby for your wonderful work, your generous support, and your loving guidance. You are Magic!"
Carla Sargent
healing birth practitioner, nz

What they're also saying...

She found all of the parts of me to reorder and shine brighter than I thought possible. Her techniques and way of being are a rare gift. As a guide for my lost soul to take a journey through some really rough terrain, Libby is sure footed, providing confidence to follow and feel safe, every step of the way
Karen Kerrisk
Owner, Mind Skills Mastery
Libby is the most impactful coach I have ever worked with. She is such a grounding and consistent cheerleader, who bases everything in love. She has helped me to break through MASSIVE pain and fears in the most supportive way, where I always feel fully supported and held
Monica Ferguson
Self Love Coach
Her guidance is very clear and she allows you to have the space and safety that you need. If you feel like there is more to life than what you’re doing. Then don’t hesitate and join in on this course. You won’t regret it!
Monique Vette
Embodiment Coach
She has woken me to the many layers of my existence, and helped me to peel back, layer after layer, all that was potentially holding me back. Her activations have taken me to my ancient levels of knowing, and her insightful trainings push me to do the work to narrow my mission. Her value has been priceless!
Meg Lou
Sensuality Coach


Most frequent questions and answers

Enrolment is open from October 2023 – with the Academy opening in January 2024.

The first round will have all material drip-fed inside your own unique Members Lounge access – subsequent rounds will have automatic access to all material upon starting.

Honestly, there are a lot of coaches in the Personal Development world who have zero qualifications, and still get great results, so short answer – No.

However, if you’re wanting to ensure that you’re the absolute best coach you can be, to help your clients receive massive results – then this is the Coaching Academy for you!

Short answer – no, this program is specifically for the enhancement and development of your Coaching Abilities, so that you can maximise your results for your clients (which in turn should have them AND their networks coming back as repeat clients!)

This is all online and completed at your own pace. Our recommendation is that this will take approximately 4 months for you to complete all of the material, as well as the Practical Application for the assessments.

Yes, there are 3 x Assessments all designed to ensure that the quality and standard of your abilities as a Parradiigm MASTERCOACH™ are held to the absolute highest degree! Not just for your own sake, but for your clients – as well as the standards of this program as well (Full Transparency: we want you to succeed SO MUCH that all of your clients say ‘Oh yeah, that’s a Parradiigm MASTERCOACH!™’)

Once you’ve completed the program, you will be a registered Parradiigm Mastercoach™ for 12 months. Towards the conclusion of your 12 months term as a Parradiigm Mastercoach™, you will then be required to complete a refresher module, and pay $150 NZD to remain registered as a Parradiigm Mastercoach™.

Yes! This program is specifically structured to help guide you no matter who you are, where you come from and what your chosen niche of coaching is in.

Yes! If you would like to become an Internationally Accredited Coach through the Association for Coaching, then talk to us and we can inform you on how we can do this through The Association For Coaching.

There is no time frame on when you need to complete the modules by – you can complete them in 3 months, or 3 years, the time is yours.

Please refer to the page for information on our refund policy