
The 90 Day Group Mastermind to help you get the results you desire to step fully into your most aligned, and INEVITABLE success!

if you're a woman in business ready to:
👉 Nail YOUR specific strategy to sign 3X more clients 

👉 Master your messaging (in alignment with your 6 figure self)

👉 Sell more of your soul-aligned services (& get clarity on what these are, and the prices you’re charging) Over the next 90 days…

Then I’ve created ‘inevitable’ specifically for you

I know what it’s like to feel like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall & hoping it sticks

Or like you’re on a never ending emotional roller coaster where your happiness seems correlated to your financial results (tho you’d NEVEEERRRRR admit it)

I also know what it’s like to turn it all around, and what it takes to start generating the kind of results you’ve been *hoping* to see in business

In the last 4 years I’ve sold over $1Million of services

…In my own companies and together with our clients have generated multiple millions through heart lead business & impact driven strategies.

Inside INEVITABLE I’m going to help you 
CLOSE THE GAP from where you are NOW
to where you WANT TO BE!

By following the simple method & pathway I’ve created to help you discover exactly what needs to be done NOW to get to where you’re going.

So you could say I’ve learned a thing or two in a decade & a half of helping ppl achieve their goals. You could say I’ve learned a thing or two in a decade & a half of helping ppl achieve their goals.

While using my degree in psychology & own life transformation getting sober & completing a shamanic apprenticeship – I’ve helped thousands of people from around the world improve every area of their lives… while also helping hundreds of business people & entrepreneurs make more sales, sign more clients, start and scale their soul purpose businesses… and make their impossible dreams INEVITABLE!

"I cannot express with words how powerful It's been. If you are remotely on the fence, know your soul has been calling this in, because in the last year that I've been working with Libby, my entire life has transformed"​Everyone I speak to now has been like 'HOW were you able to make so many changes so fast?' And I know it was because I was in this container with Libby!"
Corrie Taylor

what you receive inside


⭐️ 1:1 onboarding call with me!

That’s right, you & I together on a Zoom call making magic happen babbyyyyy

⭐️ Personalized roadmap & 90 day strategy

Like, I can’t even tell you how fkn powerful this is on its own. We both know a 6-7 figure empire doesn’t build itself!

⭐️ Weekly hotseat coaching

For all of Q3 (July – Sept) they say “proximity is power” well, accountability & having step by step support is pretty fkn powerful too!

⭐️ Group Voxer

For support between calls & Personalised feedback for 3 whole months (my eyes on your business, content, strategy, marketing, offers, launches etc…. YUMMMMMMMM!!!) 

⭐️ 90 Day coaching container 1 July - 30 Sept

Doing 90 day sprints is the reason we’ve been able to build & grow a global multi 6 figure a year biz doing our souls work & not only am I gonna show you HOW, I’m gonna be with you the whole way

my commitment to you!

Here at Parradiigm my team & I care HEAPS about every single person in our community.

After all, it’s for you that we do what we do.

Our promise to you is that we are 100% committed to your success.

I give everything I can to the people in my world and we absolutely LOVE to work with clients who are as invested in their own success as we are in theirs.

Whether you want to partner together in this offer or not, I want you to know how much I believe in you, and thank you for being in our world as together we create…

…a whole new way

are you ready for the

vip experience?

For the one who truly knows that their success is INEVITABLE…

  I’m opening up my capacity to guide 5 lucky VIP’s into their deepest growth and most profound shifts inside the unique


Where you will receive everything inside the 90 Day Mastermind PLUS  

Private 1:1 Voxer with ME where we go into absolutely EVERYTHING which comes up for you!
3 x 30 Minute 1:1 sessions to help you maintain focus and consistency on your pathway to your INEVITABLE SUCCESS!

of course you are!

"It was such an amazing experience. When I joined, I actually didn't know why I was joining, I just knew I had to be there! When I started, my money stuff was not good! I didn't wanna look at my finances, I was still in scarcity and not knowing my value and my worth on how much I could charge - and ALL of that has shifted, I feel REALLY good with my relationship with money now!​ Everyone I speak to now has been like 'HOW were you able to make so many changes so fast?' And I know it was because I was in this container with Libby!"
ankhara rose

it's time for your dreams to become


Sign up now to join us for Q3, 2023

All prices below include GST

And are in NZD

inevitable mastermind gold

1 on 1 Onboarding Call

Personalized Roadmap & 90 Day Strategy

Weekly Hotseat Coaching

Group Voxer

Personalised Feedback for 3 Whole Months

90 Day Coaching Container

Pay In Full Discount

usually $2,888

$1,250 NZD

or $555 x 3 months

inevitable mastermind vip

1 on 1 Onboarding Call

Personalized Roadmap & 90 Day Strategy

Weekly Hotseat Coaching

Group Voxer

Personalised Feedback for 3 Whole Months

90 Day Coaching Container

3 x Exclusive 1 on 1 Calls with Libby

Private Voxer with Libby

Pay In Full Discount

usually $7,750

$3,000 NZD

or $1,111 x 3 months

want to structure your payments over 12+ months?

*Lending criteria applies
**Only available in New Zealand

"From the get-go, Libby could not only see the vision for my Healing Birth work,, she genuinely seemed as excited as I was for the potential the business has. Working with her honestly felt as though I had someone alongside me who was as invested in the success of my business as I was. She was my ultimate cheerleader, celebrating my successes along the way, and a gentle guide who was able to hold me to account in a direct but nurturing way. Thank you Libby for your wonderful work, your generous support, and your loving guidance. You are Magic!"
Carla Sargent
healing birth practitioner, nz

What they're also saying...

She found all of the parts of me to reorder and shine brighter than I thought possible. Her techniques and way of being are a rare gift. As a guide for my lost soul to take a journey through some really rough terrain, Libby is sure footed, providing confidence to follow and feel safe, every step of the way
Karen Kerrisk
Owner, Mind Skills Mastery
Libby is the most impactful coach I have ever worked with. She is such a grounding and consistent cheerleader, who bases everything in love. She has helped me to break through MASSIVE pain and fears in the most supportive way, where I always feel fully supported and held
Monica Ferguson
Self Love Coach
Her guidance is very clear and she allows you to have the space and safety that you need. If you feel like there is more to life than what you’re doing. Then don’t hesitate and join in on this course. You won’t regret it!
Monique Vette
Embodiment Coach
She has woken me to the many layers of my existence, and helped me to peel back, layer after layer, all that was potentially holding me back. Her activations have taken me to my ancient levels of knowing, and her insightful trainings push me to do the work to narrow my mission. Her value has been priceless!
Meg Lou
Sensuality Coach


Most frequent questions and answers

We begin the next round of INEVITABLE in Q3 of 2023 (Beginning of July – End of September)

Not necessarily – we’ve had people in the past join because of their own personal goals, and to uphold accountability for their lives and what they desire to achieve outside of business.

Short answer – no. We are on your side and team and will do absolutely everything to the best of our ability, but ultimately it’s up to you.

This is a 90 day mastermind style group program, designed to help you get the absolute most out of what you’re here to achieve.

Not specifically, however if there are questions you would like answered specifically around business, then these are welcomed with open arms inside the Voxer community.

Yes! You don’t need to do it just once, we recommend every 90 days a reset, a shift and a refocus to continuously recalibrate to your new levels as you ascend into what you never knew was possible!

Yes! This program is specifically structured to help guide you no matter who you are or where you’re from.

Honestly, we don’t believe in delivering ROI when it comes to personal development and coaching, mainly because the biggest factor in the delivery of ROI is how committed YOU are to radical change and self-responsibility.